A Refreshing Cherry Limeade Anyone Can Make – Astor Apiaries

A Refreshing Cherry Limeade Anyone Can Make

Very excited to welcome Lina Em from YoursBeloved.com as a guest blogger. We really love her honey-sweetened Cherry Limeade recipe. Hope you enjoy!

cherry limeadeI love cherries but I can be a bit naive at the variety options. This week for our Harvest Astoria’s CSA, we got tart cherries along with black cherries. I know I love black cherries but what are tart cherries? They are exactly what they say they are.

They are quite tart! I can still feel my tongue puckering at the thought of them. With that in mind, I thought maybe with some sugar it would help so I decided to make some limeade to beat the hot weather this past weekend.




  • 2 cup boiling water
  • 2 tbsp honey (Try our NYC Raw Honey)
  • 1/4 cup packed tart cherries, pitted
  • 1/2 cup packed black cherries, pitted
  • 4 limes, roughly 1/4 to 1/3 cup of lime juice
  • 2 cup cold water
  • Mint for garnish



  • Boil honey and water on medium high.
  • Lower to medium heat and add cherries. You’ll want the bubbles to help breakdown the cherries or you can smash them yourself. Cook for 20 minutes.
  • Turn off heat and add lime juice and cold water.
  • Store in fridge for a couple of hours and serve with mint.

I had mine with a slice of homemade cherry pie. Yum!

Do you have a favorite recipe with honey? Let us know in the comments.


Photo credits: YoursBeloved.com

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