Raspberry Honey Frozen Yogurt – Astor Apiaries

Raspberry Honey Frozen Yogurt

If you are looking for a tasty way to cool down this summer, this Raspberry honey frozen yogurt is perfect for you! This frozen treat is thick, creamy and and healthy because of the probiotic and is naturally sweetened with fresh fruits and our Astor Apiaries Blueberry Blossom Raw Honey. 


  • 1 sliced banana (frozen)
  • 1.5 cups raspberries (frozen)
  • 1 cup Greek yogurt
  • 2-3 tbsp honey (Try our Blueberry Blossom Raw Honey)
  • 3-4 tbsp coconut milk
  • Mint (optional)


  • Mix together honey and yogurt until combined.
  • Place frozen fruit, honey yogurt, and 3tbsp coconut milk in blender. Add a few leaves of mint if using, and blend until smooth. Add a splash more milk if necessary and blend to desired consistency.
  • Garnish with mint (optional) and serve immediately.

YEILD: Makes 3-4 servings.

Recipe by Rachel Sardina

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