Meet the Bees Hive Tours – Astor Apiaries

Meet the Bees Hive Tours

We are pleased to run our Meet the Bees Hive Tours at The Compost Collective in Forest Hills, Queens and at Green-Wood Cemetery in Sunset Park, Brooklyn from May - September*. Available public tours are listed on our Events Calendar or just visit the tour pages below and click their drop-down menus to find available dates.

*While tours are scheduled from May-September, tours are limited during the month of June to give our bees a chance to take advantage of the nectar flow. This is the main time for our bees to collect food that will last them through the winter, as well as the surplus honey we harvest. 

Private Tours

Thank you for your interest but we are fully booked for 2023 private tours. Please see the listings below for ticket availability of our public tours.

We are happy to host your group at one of our apiaries. We can accommodate up to 20. Please contact us to inquire about the details and cost. We can also customize the experience and provide honey for your group to leave with. Send us an email at and we'll answer all of your questions!

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