Scraps, Peels, and Stems: Recipes and Tips for Rethinking Food Waste at Home. "Local food writer Jill Lightner knows all the tips, her brand-new book “Scraps, Peels, and Stems: Recipes and Tips for Rethinking Food Waste at Home” is stuffed full of them. If you’ve got the will to reduce how much you waste, she’s got all the ways." —Seattle Times; "[Scraps, Peels, and Stems] is loaded with tips on gardening, composting, shopping and storing. There's advice on meal planning, recipes, what to do with leftovers, both from restaurants and home cooked. All to help us minimize the amount of food we waste – an average of 18 pounds per month." —KNKX Food For Thought; 2018 Gold Nautilus Book Award Winner in Green Living & Sustainability; All across the country, food processors, grocers, restaurants, and regular folks throw away perfectly edible food.