Api-Bioxal Oxalic Acid – Astor Apiaries
Api-Bioxal Oxalic Acid
Api-Bioxal Oxalic Acid

Api-Bioxal Oxalic Acid

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Varroa destructor mites are a major threat to honey bee colonies, weakening bees and potentially leading to hive collapse if left untreated. Api-Bioxal is an EPA-approved oxalic acid treatment, developed under a USDA label, providing a safe and effective way to eliminate mites.

Key Features and Usage Tips:

  • EPA-Approved & Legal – Meets federal and state regulations for use with honey bees.
  • Safe During Honey Flow – Can be applied even when honey supers are on the hive.
  • Best for Low-Brood Colonies – Works most effectively when little to no brood is present.
  • Use Protective Gear – Always wear a mask, gloves, safety glasses, and long sleeves when handling oxalic acid.
  • Avoid Overuse – Do not treat multiple times within a single bee generation.
  • Prevent Reinfestation – Treat all colonies in your apiary at the same time.

Why Choose Api-Bioxal?

Unlike some oxalic acid products sold as “wood bleach”, Api-Bioxal is specifically formulated for honey bee health. It undergoes rigorous quality control and testing for heavy metal residues and other impurities, ensuring it is safe for bees and compliant with regulations.

Using illegal miticides can contaminate your honey and result in serious consequences. By choosing Api-Bioxal, you support beekeepers following the law and advocating for better regulations.

Application Methods:

Dribble Method:

  1. Dissolve 35g of Api-Bioxal in 1L of 1:1 sugar syrup.
  2. Using a syringe or applicator, dribble 5ml of solution onto bees in each seam of bees between frames.
  3. Maximum dose: 50ml per colony.

Vaporization/Sublimation Method:

  1. Seal hive entrances and cracks with tape.
  2. Use a vaporizer according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  3. Apply 1g of Api-Bioxal per brood chamber.

Additional Information:

  • Shelf life: 5 years.
  • Not available in California.
  • Only treat colonies when varroa mite counts exceed the treatment threshold.

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