Meet the Bees Hive Tour Gift Card – Astor Apiaries
Meet the Bees Hive Tour Gift Card

Meet the Bees Hive Tour Gift Card

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Give the gift of a truly unique experience! Get suited up and walk into an active apiary buzzing with thousands of honey bees flying around your head. This is the perfect gift for friends, a date, or the bee-lover in your life.

What's Included:

  • Approximately 1-hr tour
  • Guided tour of a hive by a certified Master Beekeeper
  • Protective gear
  • Opportunity for photos, holding a frame of honey and/or bees

Tours begin in May and run through September. Check back on the website in March to view our dates and redeem your gift card.

**While this will be informative, this is not a class. Check out our class offerings on our Events Page.

The Fine Print:

Gift cards are non-refundable. We are not responsible for missed events for any reason. The recipient of this gift card must redeem the card by purchasing and reserving a ticket for one of our scheduled public tours ahead of time. This gift card may be applied to the purchase of anything in our online shop. Taxes may not be included in the cost of this gift card.

Denominations of this card at $35 and $45 respectively, correspond to the cost of child and adult tickets. Please choose the appropriate denomination for your recipient. 

For FAQs and more information about the tours themselves, please visit our Hive Tours Page.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Hive Tour Gift Card

Birthday gift for a family member. Looking forward to joining them on the hive tour

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