Pollinators of North America - Deck: 52 Playing Cards – Astor Apiaries
Pollinators of North America - Deck: 52 Playing Cards
Pollinators of North America - Deck: 52 Playing Cards
Pollinators of North America - Deck: 52 Playing Cards
Pollinators of North America - Deck: 52 Playing Cards
Pollinators of North America - Deck: 52 Playing Cards
Pollinators of North America - Deck: 52 Playing Cards
Pollinators of North America - Deck: 52 Playing Cards
Pollinators of North America - Deck: 52 Playing Cards
Pollinators of North America - Deck: 52 Playing Cards

Pollinators of North America - Deck: 52 Playing Cards

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From bees and flies to butterflies and moths, beetles and wasps to even birds and bats, our gardens, natural landscapes, and food supplies depend on native pollinators. This deck of 52 playing cards--featuring brilliant colorful photography from across North America--encourages all ages to start learning about pollination and how we can help protect these critical species and encourage healthy populations to thrive throughout our natural world. An informative booklet accompanies the deck with lists of the top plants for pollinators in seven regions of the US plus fun facts about all of the species pictured in the deck. It also includes a helpful list of resources to find out more about how everyone can support pollinators.

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