Astor Apiaries - Buckwheat Blossom Raw Honey
Astor Apiaries Buckwheat Blossom Raw Honey 3oz & 12oz Jars
Astor Apiaries Buckwheat Blossom Raw Honey 12oz Jar
Astor Apiaries Buckwheat Blossom Raw Honey 3oz Jar
Buckwheat Blossom Raw Honey
Buckwheat Blossom Raw Honey

Buckwheat Blossom Raw Honey

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This beautifully dark honey has a bold flavor and is antioxidant-rich. Its pleasant flavor has notes of chocolate and molasses that linger on the palate after the first scrumptious bite.  Made from bees that have harvested from the hearty and nectar-rich flowers of the buckwheat plant, this honey is a perfect sweetener for baked goods that require a deeper flavor.

The flowers of the buckwheat plant are small and yellow, seemingly made for the honey bees to harvest from.  The honey is a product of true symbiosis between insect and plant!

Origin: Pennsylvania

Click For Our Favorite Recipes Using Buckwheat Raw Honey

For larger quantities of this honey, please see our Bulk Options Listing.

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Donahue, Karen
Honey for my honey

Purchased this buckwheat honey for my sweetheart. He says it's a richer, stronger flavor than most honeys.
He spreads it on morning toast.
Wonderful, quick delivery in carefully packed box.
Will be purchasing again to support this wonderful family beekeeper and his business.

Karen Hiatt

I have a spare ribs barbecue sauce recipe that calls for molasses and honey (along with other ingredients). I substituted this buckwheat honey instead and it was the best barbecue sauce I’ve ever had! It added a rich molasses and honey flavor and calmed the heat down from the ancho chili powder and smoked paprika. I highly recommend it.

Lenore Koppelman
Our favorite flavor so far!

My husband and I are in LOVE with this one. I ordered it very tentatively because of some of these reviews. So I got the smallest size. My husband and I loved it so much that we were eating it out of the jar with a demitasse spoon. It did NOT last long. I should say that both my husband and I love things that have a deep dark flavor to them. Molasses, dark stout beers, very dark caramel, etc. So this was an absolute WINNER for us. I'm back on the site today to order a larger jar because we're already almost out and need more.
If you love foods that have a gorgeous depth of flavors, and things that aren't overly sweet but juuuust the right amount of sweet, THIS is your jar. ;)

Tastes strong like molasses

Worst tasting honey I’ve ever had. Extremely expensive, bitter, too strong and “off” tasting. Will use in emergency only. Not recommended.

Sarah Robertson
Love it

Dark, crystally and earthy flavor, happy to eat straight out of the jar, in a hot toddy or on toast, possibilities are endless

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